Nano Vitamin C

Nano Vitamin C

The benefits of a strong immune system in our current diets and the available produce is nutrient deficient, which means that we are just not getting the necessary levels of vitamin C that we need and that we used to get and what our ancestors used to get.
So if our foods are deficient in vitamin C, we are not producing our own vitamin C. We're one of the few mammals that don't produce our own vitamin C.  We have a good immune system but if you start taking key components, like vitamin C availability out of your diet, then we're all borderline scurvy at some point.
And of course, in the last few years with the global pandemic, there's no more important time than now to make sure that your immune system is at a premium daily. Everybody should take that so seriously, because you really need those key nutrients to keep your immune system alive and functioning well.

Having said that, remember the fact that we do not produce our own vitamin C. You can witness what animals do. When a dog gets sick? A dog will go and eat various sorts of grass and chew the different types of grass which is basically just high doses of vitamin C, because it's boosting its own production of vitamin C with some plant material. So it's really important that we all take that so seriously and of course our soils are becoming more and more deficient in necessary minerals to produce premium plant growth, which reflects in what's being harvested is very low nutrient foods. That is why we produce this Nano vitamin C. It's designed to cover many bases, not just your immune system, but you can do it with the three components of the product, which is basically three things is Amalaki or Amla which is the old Ayurvedic term used for Amalaki, we're using turmeric and with black pepper as the activator which basically makes the Turmeric about 2000 times more bio available in the body. And the last ingredient is ginger. So the combination of those three products together, formulate the Nano vitamin C. So as I said before, we're not just getting an immune system boost, but we're getting a really broad stress spectrum product which can treat many things and I'll quickly run through those again, Amalaki, which is ancient Ayurvedic medicine, it goes back 1000s of years so it's a fact that it does has the highest concentration of vitamin C of any plant in the kingdom. So it is the number one it's the king of vitamin C. It's not very well known, but it's really worth researching more. So in Ayurveda terms, Amalaki is known as the Great rejuvenator because it treats so many different things.

Example -  it's very good at cleansing the blood, it's used a lot for passive detox. So while you're taking your Nano vitamin C every day, you're getting a very passive detox instead of doing a massive detox which makes you feel horrible. You do this passively each day without knowing and your body is rejuvenating. It aids new tissue growth. It's very heart friendly. It's great for your bones and your teeth. It has very good supply of calcium.
It's an excellent nerve supplement. Again, very well researched, it's because of the vitamin C content. It's of course, very good in collagen production, which means it's very anti aging. It balances blood sugars. It's also excellent for nausea, for example, for woman suffering from morning sickness.

It has 20 times the concentration of Vitamin C than orange juice. So you have to ask yourself, why isn't Amalaki being produced and not orange juice? It's also because this is not mass produced, it's non GMO, and the concentrations are so high, you really getting what you pay for. So it's a super supplement. So that's Amalaki. 

The next one is turmeric, which is also mixed with it. We've mixed black pepper which is an activator. So it becomes much more bio available in the body. When you mix Turmeric with black pepper, it triggers compounds inside for the body to uptake the Turmeric much faster. And so it's excellent for that. Turmeric is potent anti inflammatory, anti cancer, very strong antioxidant, which means combined with all those things, it's a very good immune booster and of course the Nano C Amalaki with it.

It's eases pain, so it's very good for people with arthritis. It helps with depression. It's a natural antibiotic, it reduces the bad cholesterol and it improves the liver function. So it's really an all rounder if you couple that on top of what the benefits of Amalaki are combined with turmeric and then finally we add ginger and ginger is very good at lowering blood sugar levels. Of course, the best way to lower blood sugar levels is to look into your diet.
It's excellent for nausea as well.

It's great for muscle pain, whether it be from the gym or from aging. It's also very good anti inflammatory. It's excellent for easing, even very strong indigestion. So if you suffer from that ginger is very good, excellent product for that. And again, it's all part of this combination of products. So it does many, many things is very good for cognitive function, you become very alert and aids in easing off any symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. It's antibacterial, and it's great for infections and also the research says it can also help with people that suffer from migraine. So, think of those three products, you know, and it's it really is a little daily super herb so overall, those three natural plant products that are Amalaki, the turmeric and the ginger with the added black pepper in the turmeric, It covers all bases for the immune system. It really is like the iPhone of immune boosters with ancient proven ingredients is not a synthetic GMO, mass produced low quality product that is flooding the global markets now, this is the real deal.
If you're going to focus on any one part of your health yourself and monitor yourself, it's got to be your immune system. We've just been through an episode globally with this where you know, if you don't take control of your own health and give it to others to look after it, then you really only have only yourself to blame. So it's better that you manage this daily and passively and boost your immune system at all costs. And I suggest strongly suggest that you give the Nano vitamin C a go.