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Bitter Apricot Oil 250ml Premium Extra Virgin - Organic Cold Pressed

THB 1,120.00
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Bitter Apricot Oil Premium - Extra Virgin Organic Cold Pressed nourishes skin, supports heart health, and boosts immunity. Its natural antioxidants may also aid in cancer prevention, making it a valuable component of a holistic wellness routine.

Organic Edible Oil, Can Be Added To Foods
Cold Pressed
Terrestrial Omega - 6 - 9
CIS - Bio Active Essential Fatty Acids

Unlocking the Health Benefits of Premium Extra Virgin- Organic Cold Pressed - Bitter Apricot Oil

In the realm of health supplements, one gem stands out for its remarkable array of benefits -  Premium Extra Virgin Organic Cold Pressed Bitter Apricot Oil. Derived from the kernels of bitter apricots, this oil has garnered attention for its potent health-boosting properties. Let's delve into the manifold advantages this natural elixir offers.

Skin Nourishment
Premium Extra Virgin Organic Cold Pressed Bitter Apricot Oil, serves as a boon for skincare enthusiasts. Rich in essential fatty acids and vitamin E, it deeply moisturises the skin, leaving it soft, supple, and radiant. The oil's emollient properties make it ideal for addressing dryness, flakiness, and irritation, offering relief to parched skin. Regular application can help combat signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles, promoting a youthful complexion. Additionally, its gentle nature makes it suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin, making it a versatile addition to any skincare regimen.

Heart Health Support
The cardiovascular system rejoices in the presence of  Extra Virgin Organic Cold Pressed Bitter Apricot Oil. Packed with heart-friendly nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and phytosterols, this oil supports optimal heart function. Omega-3s help lower levels of harmful cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. Furthermore, phytosterols aid in regulating cholesterol absorption, contributing to overall heart health. Incorporating this oil into your diet can be a proactive measure in safeguarding your cardiovascular well-being.

Immune Boosting Properties
A robust immune system is essential for fending off illnesses and maintaining overall health. Enter  Extra Virgin Organic Cold Pressed Bitter Apricot Oil, a potent ally in bolstering immune function. Packed with antioxidants, including vitamin E and polyphenols, this oil helps combat oxidative stress and inflammation, which are implicated in various diseases. By scavenging free radicals and supporting cellular health, it fortifies the body's natural defence mechanisms, enhancing resilience against infections and diseases. Regular consumption can help fortify the immune system, keeping you feeling vibrant and energised.

Cancer Prevention Potential
The quest for natural cancer-fighting agents leads to, Premium Extra Virgin Organic Cold Pressed Bitter Apricot Oil. Laden with phytochemicals like amygdalin, this oil exhibits promising anticancer properties. Amygdalin, also known as vitamin B17, has been studied for its potential to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and induce apoptosis, or programmed cell death. Additionally, the oil's rich antioxidant content helps neutralise carcinogenic free radicals, reducing the risk of cancer development. While more research is needed, integrating this oil into your diet may serve as a preventive measure against certain types of cancer.

A Nutrient-Packed Health Supplement
In the realm of health supplements, Premium Extra Virgin Organic Cold Pressed Bitter Apricot Oil,  stands out as a nutritional powerhouse. Bursting with essential nutrients like vitamins A, E, and K, as well as beneficial fatty acids, it offers comprehensive wellness support. Whether consumed orally or applied topically, this oil delivers a potent dose of nourishment to promote vitality and well-being. Its versatility as both a dietary supplement and a skincare remedy makes it a valuable asset in maintaining holistic health.

Digestive Aid
Optimal digestion is the cornerstone of good health, and,  Extra Virgin Organic Cold Pressed Bitter Apricot Oil,  lends a helping hand in this regard. Rich in dietary fibre and natural enzymes, it promotes digestive regularity and efficiency. The oil's gentle lubricating effect aids in easing bowel movements, alleviating constipation and discomfort. Moreover, its anti-inflammatory properties soothe gastrointestinal irritation, promoting a healthy gut environment. Incorporating this oil into your diet can support digestive wellness, allowing you to fully enjoy the benefits of nutrient absorption and waste elimination.

In conclusion, Premium Extra Virgin Organic Cold Pressed Bitter Apricot Oil,  emerges as a natural marvel, offering a plethora of health benefits. From nurturing the skin to fortifying the immune system and supporting heart health, its versatile applications make it a prized addition to any wellness routine. Whether as a dietary supplement or a skincare elixir, this oil embodies the essence of holistic health promotion. Embrace its potential and unlock a world of vitality and well-being.

More Information
Ingredients & Diet Organic
Health Topic Immune System, Heart, Digestion, Skin, Detox
Manufacturer Macrobiotic World Physis
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