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Fava Bean Protein Organic 500 grams

THB 899.00
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Organic Fava Bean Protein, a powerhouse of plant-based nutrition, promoting muscle growth, providing essential amino acids, and supporting overall health with its natural and sustainable benefits.

Organic Fava Bean Protein Unveiling Its Impressive Health Benefits


The health and wellness industry is constantly evolving, with people seeking natural and sustainable alternatives to boost their overall well-being. Organic Fava Bean Protein, derived from the humble fava bean, has emerged as a popular health supplement due to its numerous benefits. Packed with essential nutrients, this plant-based protein offers a wealth of advantages that promote vitality and support a healthy lifestyle.

A Nutritional Powerhouse

Organic Fava Bean Protein is a rich source of essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. Unlike animal-based proteins, organic fava bean protein is free from cholesterol and saturated fats, making it an excellent choice for those looking to reduce their intake of these harmful components. Furthermore, this protein is easily digestible, making it suitable for individuals with sensitive stomachs or digestive issues.

Muscle Building and Recovery

For fitness enthusiasts and athletes, organic Fava Bean Protein is an excellent aid in muscle building and recovery. Due to its high protein content, it provides the necessary amino acids needed to repair and build muscle tissue. Regular consumption of organic fava bean protein can help enhance strength, increase endurance, and expedite the recovery process after intense workouts. Incorporating this natural supplement into a balanced diet can contribute to achieving fitness goals efficiently.

Weight Management Support

Maintaining a healthy weight is a common concern for many individuals. Organic Fava Bean Protein can be a valuable ally in weight management efforts. This plant-based protein promotes satiety, helping to curb cravings and reduce excessive calorie intake. Additionally, it assists in maintaining lean muscle mass while supporting fat loss, which is vital for a healthy and sustainable weight management journey.

Heart Health Boost

Taking care of cardiovascular health is crucial for overall well-being. Organic Fava Bean Protein is naturally low in sodium and contains zero cholesterol, making it heart-friendly. Consuming this protein supplement can help reduce the risk of heart disease by maintaining healthy blood pressure levels and improving blood lipid profiles. Its high fiber content also contributes to a healthy heart by reducing cholesterol absorption and promoting optimal digestive function.

Immune System Enhancement

A strong immune system is vital for protecting the body against illnesses and infections. Organic Fava Bean Protein contains essential vitamins and minerals that play a crucial role in supporting immune function. With its abundance of antioxidants, this plant-based protein helps neutralize harmful free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. By incorporating organic fava bean protein into their diet, individuals can fortify their immune system and enhance their overall resilience.

Digestive Health Support

Maintaining a healthy digestive system is key to overall wellness. Organic Fava Bean Protein contains dietary fiber, which aids in proper digestion and regular bowel movements. It promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, supporting a healthy gut microbiome. A healthy digestive system ensures optimal nutrient absorption, waste elimination, and can contribute to improved energy levels and overall vitality.


Organic Fava Bean Protein has proven itself as a valuable health supplement, providing a myriad of benefits that support a healthy and vibrant life. From muscle building and weight management to heart health and immune system support, the natural goodness of organic fava bean protein offers a holistic approach to wellness. Embracing this plant-based protein in your diet can be a wise choice for those seeking to enhance their overall health and vitality.

More Information
Ingredients & Diet Vegan, Organic
Health Topic Weight Loss, Women's Health, Men's Health, Immune System, Heart, Digestion, Bodybuilding, Fitness
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