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HEMPTELLA Cacao & Orange Spread 185g

THB 440.00
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Hemptella Cacao & Orange Spread combines the richness of hemp, cacao, and zesty orange. Indulge in this heavenly blend for a dose of antioxidants, nutrients, and a burst of delightful flavors.

Unleashing the Health Benefits of Hemptella Cacao & Orange Spread: A Nutritious Health Supplement

Introduction: The Flavorful Symphony of Hemptella Cacao & Orange

Indulge in the heavenly fusion of Hemptella Cacao & Orange Spread, a delectable combination that tantalizes your taste buds while nourishing your body. Discover the remarkable health benefits of this harmonious blend and elevate your well-being.

The Power of Hemp Hearts: A Nutritional Powerhouse

Hemp hearts, a key ingredient in Hemptella Cacao & Orange Spread, are a nutritional powerhouse. Packed with essential fatty acids, fiber, and plant-based protein, hemp hearts promote heart health, support digestion, and contribute to a balanced diet. Incorporating hemp hearts into this delightful spread adds a delightful nutty flavor and a wealth of nutrients to your diet.

Hemp Protein: A Complete Protein Source

Hemp protein is renowned for its superior quality and digestibility. It contains all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein source suitable for vegans and individuals seeking plant-based alternatives. By infusing Hemptella Cacao & Orange Spread with hemp protein, you enjoy the benefits of sustained energy, muscle recovery, and enhanced satiety.

The Richness of Cacao: A Natural Superfood

Cacao powder, derived from the purest form of chocolate, is a true superfood. Bursting with antioxidants, minerals, and flavonoids, cacao supports cardiovascular health, boosts mood, and enhances cognitive function. Combined with the zesty notes of orange, it creates a delightful blend of flavors that uplifts the senses.

Enhancing Flavor with Vanilla Powder

The addition of vanilla powder in Hemptella Cacao & Orange Spread lends a delightful aroma and enhances the overall flavor profile. Vanilla not only adds a touch of sweetness but also contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that contribute to your overall well-being. It's the perfect complement to the robust flavors of hemp, cacao, and orange.

The Zest of Orange Oil: A Burst of Citrusy Goodness

The inclusion of orange oil in Hemptella Cacao & Orange Spread adds a vibrant burst of citrusy goodness. Rich in vitamin C and bioactive compounds, orange oil provides immune-boosting properties and promotes a healthy glow. Its refreshing flavor perfectly complements the indulgent blend of hemp, cacao, and vanilla.

Sweetened Naturally with Coconut Nectar

Hemptella Cacao & Orange Spread derives its subtle sweetness from the natural goodness of coconut nectar. Unlike refined sugars, coconut nectar offers a lower glycemic index and retains beneficial nutrients. It provides a balanced sweetness that perfectly harmonizes with the robust flavors of hemp, cacao, orange, and vanilla, allowing you to savor each spoonful guilt-free.


- Hemp hearts
- Hemp protein 
- Cacao powder
- Vanilla powder
- Orange oil
- Coconut nectar

Conclusion: Embrace the Healthy Indulgence

Hemptella Cacao & Orange Spread is more than a delightful treat for your taste buds; it's a nutritional powerhouse. With its blend of hemp hearts, hemp protein, cacao powder, vanilla powder, orange oil, and coconut nectar, it offers a symphony of flavors and a plethora of health benefits. Elevate your well-being with this remarkable spread and savor each spoonful of goodness.

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