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Washing Soda - Sodium carbonate 1000 grams

THB 250.00
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Washing soda sodium carbonate promotes cleaner living by aiding in stain removal, water softening, and pH balancing, resulting in a healthier environment and improved hygiene for you and your loved ones.

Use this for homemade cleaners and laundry detergents.

Washing Soda Sodium Carbonate. Exploring its Benefits and Uses


Washing soda, also known as sodium carbonate, is a versatile and widely used household product with numerous benefits. Derived from natural sources, washing soda has been employed for centuries as a cleaning agent and water softener. In this article, we will delve into the benefits and applications of washing soda sodium carbonate, shedding light on its effectiveness as a cleaning supplement.

The Power of Washing Soda Sodium Carbonate

Washing soda sodium carbonate offers a range of benefits due to its unique chemical composition. Its high alkalinity and solubility make it an effective cleaner and stain remover. When dissolved in water, washing soda releases hydroxide ions that aid in breaking down grease, oil, and other stubborn stains. This property makes it an excellent addition to laundry routines, where it can enhance the effectiveness of detergents and help remove tough stains.

Versatile Household Cleaning

One of the remarkable advantages of washing soda sodium carbonate is its versatility in various cleaning applications. From laundry to kitchen and bathroom cleaning, it proves to be an indispensable cleaning companion. When used in the laundry, it acts as a water softener, preventing mineral buildup in fabrics and boosting the effectiveness of laundry detergents. Furthermore, it can aid in the removal of odors and stains from clothes, making them fresh and clean.

In the kitchen, washing soda sodium carbonate can tackle greasy and burnt-on stains. It works wonders on oven racks, stove burners, and greasy pans. By dissolving a small amount in warm water, you can create a powerful cleaning solution that cuts through grease and grime, leaving surfaces sparkling clean.

Similarly, in the bathroom, washing soda can be used to clean and deodorize toilets, sinks, and tubs. Its alkaline properties help break down soap scum and mineral deposits, leaving bathroom fixtures looking brand new.

Supplementing Your Cleaning Routine

Washing soda sodium carbonate can be a valuable supplement to your regular cleaning routine. By adding it to your favorite cleaning solutions, you can enhance their effectiveness. For example, mixing washing soda with vinegar creates a powerful cleaner that can tackle even the toughest stains and grime. Additionally, it can be used as a pre-soak for heavily soiled clothes or as a boost to your dishwasher detergent for cleaner and shinier dishes.

Precautions and Considerations

While washing soda sodium carbonate is a powerful cleaning agent, it is important to handle it with care. Avoid direct contact with the skin and eyes, as it may cause irritation. Furthermore, it is essential to keep it out of reach of children and pets, as ingestion can be harmful.

Always check the manufacturer's recommendations and conduct a patch test before using washing soda on delicate or unknown surfaces.


In conclusion, washing soda sodium carbonate is a beneficial and versatile cleaning agent that can greatly enhance your cleaning routine. Its alkaline nature and solubility make it effective in removing stains, deodorizing, and boosting the cleaning power of other solutions. By supplementing your cleaning regimen with washing soda, you can achieve cleaner and fresher results in various areas of your home. Just remember to handle it with care, follow safety precautions, and check for compatibility with different surfaces. Incorporating washing soda sodium carbonate into your cleaning arsenal will undoubtedly prove to be a valuable addition to your household.

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